Head: prof. Hanna Kierzkowska - Pawlak
Our paradigm: Cold plasma as a tool for molecular engineering
The Department of Molecular Engineering engages in a broad range of research activities within the field of molecular engineering, focusing on practical applications such as CO2 conversion, water splitting, catalytic ozonation of water, and many others. A key aspect of our work is the application of cold plasma techniques, which serve as an exceptional tool for advancing various molecular projects. Cold (non-equilibrium) plasma technology is a highly effective method for producing new nanomaterials and modifying the surfaces of conventional materials according to specific molecular design approaches.
- New catalytic nanomaterials deposited by plasma
- Engineering of low temperature plasma
- Chemistry of plasma processes
- New active nanomaterials for electrochemical cells and water splitting
- Hydrogen production by plasma discharges in water
- Molecular and electronic structure of thin-film materials
- Molecular engineering of surfaces
- Processes of CO2 conversions
- Plasma in medicine applications
- Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs)
- Photoprocesses: photocatalysis, photosensibilization, photocatalytic ozonation

- Non-equilibrium (cold) plasma reactors (low-pressure, atmospheric pressure; AF, RF, MW; two-electrode, three-electrode, micro jets, etc.)
- XPS Spectrometer (Kratos Analytical Axis Ultra DLD, XPS, Auger/SEM, UPS, ISS, CatCell)
- Scanning Electron Microscope SEM + EDS (Thermo Fisher Scientific Apreo 2 S LoVac, EDS EDAX Octane Elect)
- Atomic Force Microscope AFM (Veeco Multimode AFM – Nanoskope 3D)
- FTIR Spectrometers (Jasco 6200 and Jasco 4200 with special equipment: ATR, diffuse reflectance, IRS microscopic accessory etc.)
- UV/VIS spectrometer (UV-1800, SHIMADZU, equipped with: thin layer measuring attachment, Nano Stick micro volume cuvette -SCINCO, etc)
- Spectrofluorometer (RF-6000, SHIMADZU)
- Optical Emission Spectrometer (Ocean Optics model HR 4000)
- Goniometer (KSV Theta Optical Tensiometer)
- Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (Hiden Analytical Ltd EQP 1000)
- Catalytic and calorimetric reactors (CPA201 Syrris Ltd.) + gas chromatograph (SRI8610 MG2)
CSTR reactor+ gas chromatograph (barrier discharge ionization detector - BID) /mass spectrometer, GC/MS (Shimadzu)
- Potentiostat (AutoLab PGSTAT302N)
Lodz University of Technology
Department of Molecular Engineering
Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering
Wolczanska 213 Str.
93-005 LODZ
tel.: +48 42 6313774, +48 42 6313678
Team members and contact details