Our Laboratory

- Rheometers - Anton Paar MCR301/MCR502

Anton Paar rheometers are used for investigation of all possible kinds of rheological properties and material characterization. An extensive range of application-specific accessories allow to extend the rheometer’s capabilities, including DMTA measurements, rheo-optics (SALS) and interfacial rheology. Rheometers are equipped with Peltier Systems for precision temperature control.
Our additional accessories:

DMTA module
An MCR rheometer equipped with DMTA accessories is a dynamic mechanical analyzer and rheometer at the same time. It performs analysis on solids as well as liquids. The modular system performs measurements in torsion and extension mode. DMTA accessories can be used to analyze solutions, melts, solid bars, films, foils or reactive resins.

SALS module
Small-Angle Light Scattering (SALS) is a well-established technique for structure analysis in the size range of the applied laser's wavelength. The combination of rheology and SALS (Rheo-SALS) allows the investigation of shear-dependent structural changes or crystallization by analysis of the laser light's scattering pattern.

Starch Cell
The Starch Cell in combination with the MCR rheometer enables the easy analysis of starch gelatinization or pasting behavior at the required high heating and cooling rates. Under ambient pressure the system is used for starch analysis up to temperatures of 95°C. If higher temperatures are required, e.g. to simulate the sterilization process, the Starch Cell can be equipped with a pressure cell that prevents the suspension from boiling.
- Rheometer - Brookfield DV3T

Rotational rheometer equipped with a wide range cylindrical measuring system. Rheometer combines comprehensive viscosity testing with yield stress measurement capabilities and can be used for rheological tests of both low viscosity and high viscosity materials.
- Rheometer - Brabender

Rotational rheometer operating in two coaxial cylinders mode. Its special feature is that rheometer drive is applied in external cylinder, which eliminates the effect of centrifugal force - no Taylor vortices.
- Zetasizer Nano ZS

Zetasizer Nano ZS is used for the measurement of protein size and electrophoretic mobility of proteins. The Zetasizer also incorporates a zeta potential analyzer that uses electrophoretic light scattering for particles, molecules and surfaces, and a molecular weight analyzer using static light scattering.
- Turbiscan LAB

It is used to assess stability/instability of dispersions (emulsions, suspensions, foams) in a wide range concentration and particle size. The principle of operation is based on the Static Multiple Light Scattering (S-MLS). Turbiscan LAB enables fast and sensitive identification of destabilization mechanisms (creaming, sedimentation, flocculation, coalescence etc.)
- CT3 Texture Analyzer

The Brookfield CT-3 Texture Analyzer is a testing machine that offers both compression and tensile testing. The standard probe kit has a wide range of probes to suit almost every test application. The CT3 can calculate, through compression and tensile data, a number of physical properties that have proven to be highly correlated to human sensory evaluation of food and other consumer products.